Below is a listing of all other scholarship applications for students under 24 years of age:
Andrew Monroe Memorial Scholarship
The Andrew Monroe Memorial Scholarship Fund awards two $1,000 scholarships annually to graduating high school senior soccer players in Sarasota County.
Visit for more information about this scholarship.
Andrew Vincent Messina Scholarship and Elsie Bird Davies Memorial Scholarship
The charitable purposes of the Andrew Vincent Messina Fund for Music Education and the Elsie Bird Davies Memorial Fund for Piano Students is to provide music lessons and instruments to
children with financial need who otherwise would be unable to participate in music education. Applicants must be residents of Sarasota or Manatee County who are taking lessons from a teacher
who is a member of the Piano Teachers Association in either Sarasota or Manatee County.
Application closed. Next opens June 2025.
Father Connie Dougherty Memorial Scholarship
The Father Connie Dougherty Scholarship Fund may be used to further education at a college, university or institution of higher learning, including vocational training. All Sarasota County high school seniors and graduates of Sarasota County public and private high schools may apply.
Application will open January 1 2025, and closes March 9, 2025.
Destinations Florida Dave Warren Scholarship
Destinations Florida, through the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, is pleased to offer the Dave Warren Scholarship. This scholarship opportunity is available to college juniors who plan to make a career in the hospitality industry within the State of Florida. Selection criteria includes the personal goals of the student, financial need and community involvement.
Application opens December 15, 2024 and closes March 16, 2025.
Sarasota County Bar Association Richard R. Garland Diversity Scholarship
This scholarship is intended to provide an opportunity for incoming second year law students of under-represented minority backgrounds from underserved communities or socioeconomic backgrounds, who have an interest in practicing law in Sarasota County. Scholarship awardees will complete a summer internship with a law firm in the local area after their second year and receive a scholarship for their third year of law school.
Application opens March 31st, 2025 and closes September 1st, 2025.
Suncoast Nursing Action Coalition BSN Scholarship
This scholarship provides financial support for current BSN, ASN, or BSN Fast Track Program candidates in Sarasota, Charlotte, Manatee, and DeSoto counties. The goal is to increase the number of bachelor’s prepared nurses who are working within the SNAC region.
Application opens February 2, 2025 and closes March 2, 2025.
Suncoast Nursing Action Coalition Doctorate in Nursing Scholarship
Application opens February 2, 2025 and closes March 2, 2025.
2Gen Parent Scholarship
The 2Gen Scholarship connects low-income parents with children attending Alta Vista, Emma E. Booker, Gocio, and Tuttle Elementary Schools with educational pathways to build their skills and lead to family-sustaining wages. Applicants must be referred by the Parent Education Navigator, be 18 years of age or older as of December 31st of the year in which they apply and be residents of Sarasota or Manatee counties for a minimum of 1 year.
Deadline: Rolling Application