Learn How to Give
Each one of us has the potential to impact a person, a cause, a community. Be the one to make a difference.
Whether you want to make a one-time donation or establish a permanent charitable legacy, virtually any asset can be used to turn your passion into action — making a positive impact on those most in need.
A check or credit card is the easiest way to contribute to a fund and may qualify for maximum allowable income tax deductions.
Stocks & Bonds
Gifts of securities that are highly appreciated may be gifted to enable the donor to deduct the full fair market value as a charitable contribution, thus avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciation.
Real Estate
Mortgage-free property may also be gifted at its fair marked value determined by a qualified appraisal enabling the donor to receive a charitable deduction and avoid capital gains taxes.
Life Insurance
Life insurance policies can be used to create a major gift at relatively low cost to the donor. If the Community Foundation is named as the owner or as a beneficiary of a new or existing policy, the donor may receive a tax deduction. Additional premiums paid through the Foundation also may be tax deductible, and proceeds pass to charity, free of estate tax.
Closely-held Business Interest
Shares of closely-held business interest can be gifted to the Foundation to help minimize the tax implications of the sale or closure of a business. Shares must be transferred prior to entering into an agreement with a third party buyer.
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Qualified Charitable Distribution
A donor age 70 and a half or older may transfer up to $100,000 annually from his/her individual retirement account (IRA) to make a qualified charitable distribution to our Foundation. The amount transferred does not generate a charitable income tax deduction, but it does count toward the annual minimum required distribution amount and no taxes are owed. A donor may establish a Designated Fund, Scholarship Fund or Field of Interest Fund with a qualified charitable distribution.
Bequest Language for Donors and Professional Advisors
Gift Acceptance Policies and Guidelines

If more information is needed, please contact:
Jay Young
Vice President, Philanthropy