For a decade, our community has been embracing the 6 components of a 2Gen approach. Nonprofit partners are committed to designing programs that bring intentional, positive, and sustainable change to the lives they touch. Lived experience is informing and impacting program design and results. Our foundations, nonprofits and community leaders are collaborating around outcomes, equity, innovation and system alignment.

On February 6th, we heard from practitioners around the country as they share what’s working and how we can continue to collaborate to bring transformational change to our families and our region. 

Keep up with the latest on social media with the hashtag #2Gen

What's Next

Before and after the Summit, we asked participants to share their organizations' greatest needs and opportunities in 2Gen strategies. See the survey results below. 

Radical Collaboration Catalyzing Transformative Change

During the Summit, attendees explored the expansive power of collaboration as they learned about topics like reimagining systems--including educational systems--to better serve the people they're designed to serve and creating inclusive spaces where families can benefit from the opportunity to learn, discover, and dream together. 

February 6, 2024;  [1 min. 17 sec.]

Meet our Featured Speakers

Anne Mosle, Keynote

Vice President, Aspen Institute
Founder & Executive Director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute
Co-chair, Aspen Institute Forum on Women and Girls

Marjorie Sims

Managing Director, Ascend at the Aspen Institute

Meet the Ascend Fellows

John Annis

Senior Vice President,
Collaboration and Impact

Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation

Anthony Barrows

Managing Partner and Founder,
Center for Behavioral Design and Social Justice

Project Evident

Dr. Raquel Hatter

Managing Director,
Human Services
Kresge Foundation


Laura Huerta Migus

Deputy Director,
Institute of Museum and Library Services

Stephanie Parra

Executive Director,
ALL in Education


2Gen: A Parent's Perspective

By strengthening the whole family through intentional, simultaneous support to children and the adults in their lives, 2Gen can create intergenerational cycles of stability and prosperity.

In this video, three mothers share their journeys and describe what their achievements will mean for their children.

[January 2024; 3 min. 32 sec.]

Community Indicators Dashboard: Real Data, Right Now
Gathered in Early 2024

The Community Foundation of Sarasota County has launched the Community Indicators Dashboard to discover community trends with intuitive visualizations and mapping tools, which can inform charitable giving, grantmaking, and policymaking, as well as provide inspiration through promoting data-driven solutions. 

In addition, we've developed a 2Gen Report specific to this focus that demonstrates both areas of need and bright spots. 

The 2Gen report offers comprehensive indicators on the six components of well-being for the four-county region our Community Foundation serves. These components include economic prosperity, early childhood education, K-12 education, postsecondary pathways, health, including mental health, and social capital. 

At left is a distilled version of the report, focused on Sarasota County, which has the highest overall educational attainment and strongest economy of the four-county region.